

《我最愛的中華寶貝》第51集 胡旖睿:爸爸“發明”的油爆蝦

2024-03-28 17:24:50 

  由中共上海市委對外宣傳辦公室、發明上海市文化和旅游局、最愛上海廣播電視臺融媒體中心(SMG NEWS)聯合發起,中的油2023“愛上海的華寶理由”青少年英語短視頻征集展播活動以“我最愛的中華寶貝”為題,誠邀全球新生代用向上的貝第爸爸爆蝦風貌、良好的集胡英語表達和創(chuang)意的鏡頭語言展現青(qing)少(shao)年眼中具有(you)當代價值和世(shi)界意義的中華優秀傳統(tong)文(wen)化(hua)。上海(hai)本(ben)幫名菜“油(you)(you)爆(bao)蝦”在胡旖(yi)睿(rui)同學家里(li)有(you)一(yi)個(ge)特殊的旖(yi)睿(rui)版本(ben)——爸(ba)爸(ba)發(fa)明的以假亂真的“油(you)(you)爆(bao)蝦”,在這(zhe)一(yi)集里(li),發(fa)明她(ta)會告訴我們,最愛這(zhe)道美味如何陪(pei)伴了她(ta)的中的油(you)(you)成(cheng)長。

  《我最愛的華寶中華寶貝》第51集 胡旖睿:爸爸“發明(ming)”的油爆蝦#青(qing)少年英語短(duan)視頻優(you)秀(xiu)作品展播(bo)







  My Favorite ChineseTreasuresEP51|Hu Yirui: Oil-Fried Shrimp, Homemade Marvel#MyFavoriteChineseTreasures #MyFavoriteChineseTreasures #MyFavoriteShanghaiSeason4 #shortvideoshowcase #vlog

  Presentedby Hu Yirui

  This is one of the representative dishes of Shanghai cuisine - Oil-Fried Shrimp. It has a history of nearly 150 years, also a signature dish of Luo Yulin, who is thefifth-generation inheritor of thenationalintangible cultural heritage - Shanghai Local Cuisine.

  The secret of oil-fried shrimp is to quickly stir-fry with rich oil to achieve a texture of crispy outside and tender inside. The seasoning is also a favorite flavor of Jiangnan people, salty and sweet.

  However, the first plate of oil-fried shrimp in my life was different from others. I was only two years oldthen, not yet had my full tooth to eat this local specialty. My father invented this “oil-fried shrimp”that can be eaten without having to peel off the shell.

  He wrapped shrimp paste with Thai spring rollrice wrappersand bent them into the shape of shrimp. He then baked them in the oven to set the shape,before brushing them with tomato sauce. This makes the special "oil-fried shrimp". It can be both tasty and looks like the real thing.

  People say that food can not only satisfy taste buds but also make people feel love and warmth. We should cherish every moment of sharing food with our family and make them good memories in our lives.





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